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  1. Libing Zheng, Jun Wang*, Jie Li, Yong Zhang, Kun Li, YuansongWei*, Preparation, evaluation and modification of PVDF-CTFE hydrophobic membrane for MD desalination application. Desalination. 402 (2017): 162–172.
  2. Jun Wang*, Libing Zheng, Zhenjun Wu, Yong Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang. Fabrication of hydrophobic flat sheet and hollow fiber membranes from PVDF and PVDF-CTFE for membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science. 497(2016):183-193. 
  3. Yong Zhang, Peng Zhao, Jie Li, Deyin Hou, Jun Wang*, Huijuan Liu. A hybrid process combining homogeneous catalytic ozonation and membrane distillation for wastewater treatment. Chemosphere. 160(2016):134-140.
  4. Libing Zheng, Zhenjun Wu, Yong Zhang, Yue Yuan, Yuansong Wei, Jun Wang*, Preparation of PVDF-CTFE hydrophobic membranes for MD application: Effect of LiCl-based mixed additives. Journal of Membrane Science. 2016 (506): 71-85.
  5. Libing Zheng, Jun Wang*, Yuansong Wei, Yong Zhang, Kun Li, Zhenjun Wu, Interconnected PVDF-CTFE hydrophobic membranes for MD desalination: Effect of PEGs on phase inversion process. RSC advances.2016 25(6), 20926-20937.
  6. Libing Zheng, Zhenjun Wu, Yong Zhang, Yuansong Wei, Jun Wang*, Effect of non-solvent additives on the morphology, pore structure, and DCMD performance of PVDF-CTFE hydrophobic membrane. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016(45):28-39.
  7. Jun Wang*, Xianguang Sun, Yue Yuan, Hao Chen, Hongyu Wang, Deyin Hou. Novel microwave assisted photo-catalytic membrane distillation process development for treating the organic wastewater containing inorganic ions. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 9(2016):1-8.
  8. Jun Wang*, Dong Wang, Deyin Hou. Hydroxyl carboxylate based non-phosphorous corrosion inhibition process for reclaimed water pipeline and downstream recirculating cooling water system. Journal of environmental sciences. 39(2016):13-21.
  9. Guoliang Li, Jun Wang*, Deyin Hou, Yu Bai, Huijuan Liu. Fabrication and performance of PET mesh enhanced cellulose acetate membranes for forward osmosis. Journal of environmental sciences. 45(2016):7-17.
  10. Luo Qin, Zhao* Changwei, Liu Guixia, Ren Hao, A porous aromatic framework constructed from benzene rings has a high adsorption capacity for perfluorooctane sulfonate .Scientific Reports, 20311(2016):1-9.
  11. Zhao Changwei*, Tang Chuyang, Li Pei, et al. Perfluorooctane sulfonate removal by nanofiltration membrane—the effect and interaction of magnesium ion / humic acid. Journal of Membrane Science, 503(2016):31-41.
  12. Zhao Changwei, Fan Jing, Chen Dong, Xu Yi, Wang Tao, Microfluidics-generated graphene oxide microspheres and their application to removal of perfluorooctane sulfonate from polluted water .Nano Research, 9(2016):866-875.
  13. Yu Yang, Zhao Changwei*, Yu Ling, et al. Removal of perfluorooctane sulfonates from water by a hybrid coagulation-nanofiltration process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 289(2015):9-18.
  14. Tao Wang, Changwei Zhao*, Pei Li, Ye Li, Jun Wang, Fabrication of novel poly(m-pheylene isophthalamide) hollow fiber nanofiltration membrane for effective removal of trace amount perfluorooctane sulfonate from water, Journal of Membrane Science, 477(2015):74-85.
  15. Deyin Hou, Lijuan Zhang, Changwei zhao, HuaFan, JunWang, Hongjing Huang. Ultrasonic irradiation control of silica fouling during membrane distillation process, Desalination,  386(2016): 48-57.
  16. Deyin Hou, Guohua Dai, Hongjing Huang, Hua Fan, Jun Wang. Ultrasonic assisted direct contact membrane distillation hybrid process for desalination, Journal of Membrane Science, 476(2015): 59-67.
  17. Deyin Hou, Zhangxin Wang, Guoliang Li, Hua Fan, Jun Wang, Hongjing Huang. Ultrasonic assisted direct contact membrane distillation hybrid process for membrane scaling mitigation, Desalination, 375(2015):33-39.
  18. Deyin Hou, Lijuan Zhang, Zhangxin Wang, Hua Fan, Jun Wang, Hongjing Huang. Humic acid fouling mitigation by ultrasonic irradiation in membrane distillation process, Separation and Purification Technology, 154(2015): 328-337.
  19. Deyin Hou, Guohua Dai, Hua Fan, Jun Wang, Changwei Zhao, Hongjing Huang. Effects of calcium carbonate nano-particles on the properties of PVDF/nonwoven fabric flat-sheet composite membranes for direct contact membrane distillation, Desalination, 2014, 347, 25-33.
  20. Deyin Hou, Hua Fan, Qinliang Jiang, Jun Wang, Xiaohui Zhang. Preparation and characterization of PVDF flat-sheet membranes for direct contact membrane distillation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2014, 135, 211-222.


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  1. 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖,赵长伟,中国科学院,2011
  2. 中国科学院青年创新促进会首批会员,赵长伟,中国科学院,2011
  3. 中国科学院青年创新促进会首批优秀会员,赵长伟,中国科学院 ,2015
  4. 第八届“侯德榜化工科学技术青年奖”,赵长伟,中国化工学会,2016
  5. 科技进步一等奖,王军,湖北省,2000
  6. 科技进步二等奖,王军,武汉市,2000
  7. 成果推广三等奖,王军,湖北省,2003
  8. 中国环境保护科技三等奖,王军,环保部,2015
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