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姓 名:张博职 称:助理研究员 职 务:组员电 话: Email:zhangbo@rcees.ac.cn 所属课题组:水体重金属污染控制研究组 研究方向:重金属污染控制;微生物胞外电子传递




  1. 博士后基金面上资助项目:微生物-光催化耦合自驱动生物制氢及机理研究,2014-2015;


  1. Zhang, B., Wen, Z., Ci, S., Mao, S., Chen, J.* and He, Z.* Synthesizing nitrogen-doped activated carbon and probing its active sites for oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells, 2014, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 6(10):7464-7470
  2. Zhang, B., Wen, Z., Ci, S., Chen, J.* and He, Z.* Nitrogen-doped activated carbon as a metal free catalyst for hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells, 2014, RSC Advances. 4(90): 49161-49164
  3. Zhang, B. and He, Z.*, Improving water desalination by hydraulically coupling an osmotic microbial fuel cell with a microbial desalination cell, Journal of Membrane Science, 2013, 441: 18-24
  4. Zhang, B. and He, Z.* Integrated salinity reduction and water recovery in an osmotic microbial desalination cells, RSC Advances, 2012, 2(8): 3265-3269
  5. Zhang, B. and He, Z.* Energy production, use and saving in a bioelectrochemical desalination system, RSC Advances, 2012, 2(28): 10673-10679
  6. Hou, Y.#, Zhang, B.#, Wen, Z., Cui, S., Guo, X., He, Z.* and Chen, J.* 3D hybrid of layered MoS2/nitrogen-doped graphene nanosheet aerogels: an effective catalyst for hydrogen evolution in microbial electrolysis cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014(2), 2:13795-13800
  7. Ping, Q., Zhang, C., Chen, X., Zhang, B., Huang, Z.* and He, Z.*  Mathematical model of dynamic behavior of microbial desalination cells for simultaneous wastewater treatment and water desalination, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(21):13010-13019

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