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姓 名:栾富波职 称:研究员 职 务:课题组长电 话:010-62911779 Email:fbluan@rcees.ac.cn 所属课题组:水体重金属污染控制研究组 研究方向:微生物-沉积物-环境污染物之间电子传递过程;重金属污染控制、硝基芳香污染物治理以及矿山废水治理


栾富波,中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员,博士生导师,2009年毕业于同济大学,获博士学位,之后在美国宾州州立大学完成博士后科研工作。长期从事微生物-沉积物-环境污染物之间电子传递过程以及重金属、有机污染物及矿山废水治理等相关研究工作,研究成果发表于Environmental Science & Technology, Chemosphere,Journal of Hazardous Materials等期刊,是Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Water Science and Technology, Journal of Environmental Quality, Environmental Engineering Science等期刊审稿人。


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:电极原位富集去除地下水中铀的机理和工艺研究,2017-2020,63万,主持。


  1. Luan, F.;, Zhang G.X.; Senko J.M.; Burgos, W.D., 2015. Effects of supplemental organic carbon on long-term reduction and reoxidation of uranium. RSC Advances. 5, 32210–32216.
  2. Luan, F.; Gorski, C.A.; Burgos, W.D., 2015. Linear free energy relationships for the biotic and abiotic reduction of nitroaromatic compounds. Environmental Science & Technology. 49, 3557–3565.
  3. Luan, F.; Liu, Y.; Griffin A.M.; Gorski, C.A.; Burgos, W.D., 2015. Iron(III)-bearing clay minerals enhance bioreduction of nitrobenzene by Shewanella Putrefaciens CN32. Environmental Science & Technology. 49, 1418-1426.
  4. Luan, F.; Gorski, C.A.; Burgos, W.D., 2014. Thermodynamic controls on the microbial reduction of iron-bearing nontronite and uranium. Environmental Science & Technology. 48, 2750-2758.
  5. Luan, F.; Burgos, W.D., 2012. Sequential extraction method for determination of Fe(II/III) and U(IV/VI) in suspensions of iron-bearing phyllosilicates and uranium. Environmental Science & Technology. 46, 11995-12002.
  6. Luan, F.; Xie, L.; Li, J.; Zhou, Q., 2013. Abiotic reduction of nitroaromatic compounds by Fe(II) associated with iron oxides and humic acid. Chemosphere. 91, 1035-1041.
  7. Luan, F.; Santelli, C.M.; Hansel, C.M.; Burgos, W.D., 2012. Defining manganese(II) removal processes in passive coal mine drainage treatment systems through laboratory incubation experiments. Applied Geochemistry. 27, 1567-1578.
  8. Luan, F.; Xie, L.; Sheng, J.; Li, J.; Zhou, Q.; Zhai, G.M., 2012. Reduction of nitrobenzene by steel convert slag with Fe(II) system: The role of calcium in steel slag. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 217, 416-421. 
  9. Luan, F.; Burgos, W.D.; Xie, L.; Zhou, Q., 2010. Bioreduction of Nitrobenzene, Natural Organic Matter, and Hematite by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. Environmental Science & Technology .44, 184-190.

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