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姓 名:李贵伟职 称:副研究员 职 务:组员电 话: Email:gwli@rcees.ac.cn 所属课题组:输配过程水质研究组 研究方向:输配过程水质转化与源-厂-网协同控制技术


李贵伟,博士,副研究员,一直致力于从源头到龙头的饮用水水质转化原理特别是输配过程水质转化原理与控制技术研究,注重理论与工程结合。近年来,针对管网锰致“黄水”这一行业难题开展了大量工作,提出了水源监测预警、水厂深度除锰、管网消毒/水力调控相结合的饮用水安全保障策略和技术,成果应用于深圳、珠海等地供水实践,取得了显著社会和经济效益。研究成果主要发表于环境领域重要期刊Environmental Science & Technology和Water Research上。曾获中国科学院院长奖、“奥加诺”(水质与水环境)二等奖、环境水质学国家重点实验室“水质新星奖”、北京市优秀毕业生等奖励荣誉。

2015年9月—2020年6月 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,攻读博士学位
2019.01 - 2020.01  Washington University in St. Louis,中国科学院大学资助访学
2011.09 – 2015.07    中国矿业大学(北京),本科
2011年9月—2015年7月 中国矿业大学(北京),本科

2023.12 - 现在     中国科学院生态环境研究中心,副研究员
2023.08 - 2023.12   中国科学院生态环境研究中心,助理研究员
2020.08 - 2023.08   中国科学院生态环境研究中心,博士后/特别研究助理




[1]Guiwei Li, Qi Chen, Yuliang Su, Bin Wu, Zhili Lu, Jianwei Yu, Min Yang, Baoyou Shi*. Corroded iron pipe inhibits microbial-mediated Mn(II) oxidation and MnOx accumulation compared to PVC pipe. Water Research. 2024, 251(1): 121142.
[2]Guiwei Li, Qi Chen, Yue Zhou, Yuliang Su, Bin Wu, Jianwei Yu, Min Yang, Baoyou Shi*. Manganese and iron oxides on pipe surface promote dissolved aluminum accumulation in drinking water distribution systems. Science of The Total Environment. 2024, 924: 171606.
[3]Guiwei Li, Yuliang Su, Bin Wu, Qi Chen, Jianwei Yu, Min Yang, Baoyou Shi*. Chloramine Prevents Manganese Accumulation in Drinking Water Pipes Compared to Free Chlorine by Simultaneously Inhibiting Abiotic and Biotic Mn(II) Oxidation. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022, 56(5): 12278-12287.
[4]Guiwei Li, Yuanyuan Zhao, Guangyu An, Baoyou Shi*. Mn(II) oxidation by free chlorine catalyzed by the hydrolytic products of ferric and aluminum species under drinking water conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022, 56(15): 10775-10784. 
[5]Guiwei Li, Bin Wu, Yuliang Su, Bin Wu, Guohang Han, Jianwei Yu, Min Yang, Baoyou Shi*. Initial formation and accumulation of manganese deposits in drinking water pipes: investigating the role of microbial-mediated processes. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022, 56(9): 5497-5507.
[6]Guiwei Li, Ruya Chen, Xu Ma, Baoyou Shi*. Critical factors affecting the level of dissolved manganese in different raw water and its removal at water treatment plants. ACS ES&T Water. 2021, 1(10): 2259-2268. 
[7]Guiwei Li, Yeunook Bae, Anushka Mishrra, Baoyou Shi, Daniel E. Giammar*. Effect of aluminum on lead release to drinking water from scales of corrosion products. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54(10): 6142-6151.
[8]Guiwei Li, Lili Zhang, Ziqiao Wang, Pan Weiyi, Baoyou Shi, Daniel E. Giammar*. Effect of Cu(II) on Mn(II) oxidation by free chlorine to form Mn oxides at drinking water conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54(3): 1963-1972.
[9]Guiwei Li, Xu Ma, Ruya Chen, Ying Yu, Hui Tao, Baoyou Shi*. Field studies of manganese deposition and release in drinking water distribution systems: Insight into deposit control. Water Research. 2019, 163: 114897. 
[10]Guiwei Li, Haotian Hao, Yuan Zhuang, Ziqiao Wang, Baoyou Shi*. Powdered activated carbon enhanced manganese(II) removal by chlorine oxidation. Water Research. 2019, 156: 287-296.

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