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姓 名:黄鑫职 称:副研究员 职 务:组员电 话:010-62922155 Email:xinhuang@rcees.ac.cn 所属课题组:输配过程水质研究组 研究方向:


  2008. 09 – 2012. 06  山东大学,环境科学,理学学士

  2015. 12 – 2016. 12  澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,联合培养博士

  2012. 09 – 2017. 06  山东大学,环境工程,工学博士

  2017. 07-今:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,助理研究员


  1. 国家重点研发计划,2022YFC3203703, “饮用水新污染物风险控制关键技术研究与应用示范”项目课题“长江黄河等重点流域水资源与水环境综合治理”, 2022/12-2026/04, 114.1万元,在研,子课题负责人。
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52270013,活性炭界面残余铝的富集行为对全氟化合物去除的影响效应及作用机制研究,2023/01-2026/12,54 万元,项目负责人。
  3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51808532,基于硫醚类嗅味物质和天然有机物同步去除的预氧化化常规工艺构建及其协同作用机制研究,2019/01-2021/12, 30 万元,项目负责人。
  4. 国家重点研发计划,2019YFD1100105, “村镇饮用水水质提升关键技术研究与装备开发”项目课题“村镇饮用水安全保障技术与管理综合体系”,2019/12-2022/12, 110万元,子课题负责人。
  5. 国家科技重大专项子课题,2017ZX07502-003-01,饮用水安全保障技术集成与技术体系构建研究,2017/01/01-2021/06/30,100 万元,子课题负责人。
  6. 横向课题,基于膜污染控制的混凝过程研究与调控,50万元,在研,项目负责人。


1. Xin Huang , Qiang Lu ,Haotian Hao , Quanshan Wei, Baoyou Shi*, Jianwei Yu**, Chunmiao Wang, Yang Wan, Evaluation of the treatability of various odor compounds by powdered activated carbon, Water Research, 156 (2019) 414-424 
2. Xin Huang, Baoyou Shi*, Haotian Hao, Yuliang Su, Bin Wu, Zeyu Jia, Chunmiao Wang, Qi Wang, MinYang, Jianwei Yu**, Identifying the function of activated carbon surface chemical properties in the removability of two common odor compounds, Water Research 178 (2020) 115797 
3. Xin Huang,Ying Yu, Huan Chen,Huikai Liang,Mengze Geng,Baoyou Shi*, Disinfection by-product formation and toxicity evaluation for chlorination with powered activated carbon, Water Research, 205 (2021), 117660 
4. Xin Huang, Huikai Liang, Ying Yu, Baoyou Shi, The enhanced treatment of algae-laden water by combination of powdered activated carbon and chlorine, Separation and Purification Technology, 280 (2022), 119922 
5. Xin Huang, Huikai Liang, Weiying Xu, Shuo Xu, Baoyou Shi*,Powdered activated carbon-catalyzed chlorine oxidation of bisphenol-A and methylene blue: Identification of the free radical and effect of the carbon surface functional group, Science of The Total Environment, 97 (2021), 149020 
6.  Xin Huang, Wan Yang, Baoyou Shi*, Jian Shi, Effects of powdered activated carbon on the coagulation-flocculation process in humic acid and humic acid-kaolin water treatment, Chemosphere, 238 (2020) 124637. 
7. Xin Huang, Jianwei Yu **, Baoyou Shi, *, Haotian Hao, Chunmiao Wang, Zeyu Jia, Qi Wang, Rapid prediction of the activated carbon adsorption ratio by a regression model, Chemosphere 245 (2020) 125675. 
8. Xin Huang, Yang Wan, Baoyou Shi, Jian Shi *, Huan Chen, Huikai Liang, Characterization and application of poly-ferric-titanium-silicatesulfate in disperse and reactive dye wastewaters treatment, Chemosphere 249 (2020) 126-129.
9. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li, Effect of polytitanium chloride and polyaluminum chloride pre-treatment on ultrafiltration process: floc properties and membrane fouling, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 88 (2018) 193-200.  
10. Yang Wan, Xin Huang*, Jian Shi, Baoyou Shi, Haotian Hao, Reduction of organic matter and disinfection byproducts formation potential by titanium, aluminum and ferric salts coagulation for micro-polluted source water treatment, Chemosphere, 219 (2019), 28-35.  (IF=5.778)
11. Huikai Liang, Weiying Xu,*, Baoyou Shi, Xin Huang**,The role of interactions between extracellular organic matter andhumic substances on coagulation-ultrafiltration process,Chemosphere, 264 (2021),128501.  (IF=5.778)
12. Huikai Liang, Xin Huang*, HanWang,Weiying Xu, Baoyou Shi,The role of extracellular organic matter on the cyanobacteria ultrafiltration process,Journal of Environmental Sciences,110,(2021),12-20
13.  Ying Yu, Xin Huang*, Ruya Chen, Linlin Pan, Baoyou Shi*,Control of disinfection byproducts in drinking water treatment plants: Insight into activated carbon filter,Chemosphere,280 (2021),130958
14. Yitian He, Xin Huang *,Tianyu Li,Xuemin Lv,Na Tang,Chenghong Feng,Baoyou Shi,Ultrafiltration membrane fouling control by two-stage coagulant dosing with moderate pH adjustment, Desalination,537(2022),115893
15.  Chonghua Xue, Ying Yu, and Xin Huang,* Comparison of Organic Matter Properties and Disinfection By-Product Formation between the Typical Groundwater and Surface Water, Water, 2022, 14, 1418 
16. 何溢恬,唐 娜,黄 鑫*,李天玉,石宝友,混凝-超滤工艺残余铝含量调控方式优化研究,给水排水,2022,48(3), 22-28.
17. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li, Shuang Zhao, Shenglei Sun,Effect of dosing sequence and raw water pH on coagulation performance and flocs properties using dual-coagulation of polyaluminum chloride and compound bioflocculant in low temperature surface water treatment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 229 (2013): 477–483. 
18. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Yan Wang, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li, Yingying Zhang, Coagulation performance and flocs properties of a new composite coagulant: Polytitanium–silicate–sulfate, Chemical Engineering Journal 245 (2014) 173–179 . 
19.  Xin Huang, Xiaowen Bo, Yanxia Zhao, Baoyu Gao, Yan Wang, Shenglei Sun, Qinyan Yue, Qian Li, Effects of compound bioflocculant on coagulation performance and floc properties for dye removal, Bioresource Technology, (165) 2014 116–121. 
20. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li, Effect of Si/Ti molar ratio on enhanced coagulation performance, floc properties and sludge reuse of a novel hybrid coagulant:polysilicate titanium sulfate ,Desalination (352) 2014 150–157. IF=6.035)
21.  Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao, Hongyan Rong, Qinyan Yue, Yingying Zhang, Pengyou Teng, Effect of using polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride as coagulation aid on polytitanium salt coagulation performance, floc properties and sludge reuse, Separation and Purification Technology (143) 2015 64-71. 
22. Xin Huang , Shenglei Sun, Baoyu Gao, , Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li, Coagulation behavior and floc properties of compound bioflocculant–polyaluminum chloride dual-coagulants and polymeric aluminum in low temperature surface water treatment, Journal of Environmental Sciences (30) 2015 215-222. 
23. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yingying Zhang, Shenglei Sun, Compound bioflocculant used as a coagulation aid in synthetic dye wastewater treatment: The effect of solution pH, Separation and Purification Technology 154 (2015) 108–114. 
24. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang and Qian Li, Characterization and application of a novelinorganic polymer coagulant: polytianium-silicate-chloride, RSC Adv., 6 (2016), 24898. 
25. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Yangyang Sun, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian, Effects of solution pH and synthetic method on destabilizationprocess of polytitanium-silicate-chloride, Journal of Hazardous Materials 311 (2016) 230–236. 
26. Xin Huang, Yu Zhao, Baoyu Gao*, Shenglei Sun, Yan Wang, Qian Li, Qiyan Yue, Polyacrylamide as coagulant aid with polytitanium sulfate in humic acid-kaolin water treatment: Effect of dosage and dose method, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,64 (2016) ,173-179. 
27. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Shuang Zhao, Shenglei Sun, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang and Qian Li,Application of titanium sulfate in coagulation-ultrafiltration process: A comparison with aluminum sulfate and ferric sulfate, RSC Adv., 6 (2016), 49469-49477. 
28. Xin Huang, Baoyu Gao*, Yangyang Sun, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li, Xing Xu, Effects of epichlorohydrin–dimethylamine on polytitanium chloride coagulation and membrane fouling in humic-kaolin water treatment: Dosage, dose method and solution pH, Separation and Purification Technology 173 (2017) 209–217. 
29. Xin Huang, Di He, Wangwang Tang, Peter Kovalskyb and T. David Waite, Investigation of pH-dependent phosphate removal from wastewaters by membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI), Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 3 (2017), 875-882. 
30. 黄鑫,高宝玉,岳钦艳, 聚合硫酸钛-聚丙烯酰胺复配混凝剂混凝行为及絮体特性的研究,2014.10, Page 108. (会议论文)
31. Y. X. Zhao, S. Phuntsho, B. Y. Gao*, X. Huang, Q. B. Qi, Q. Y. Yue, Y. Wang, J.-H. Kim, and H. K. Shon, Preparation and Characterization of Novel Polytitanium Tetrachloride Coagulant for Water Purification, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2013), 12966−12975. 
32. Ruihua Li, Baoyu Gao*, Xin Huang, Hongyu Dong, Xiaochen Li, Qinyan Yue, Yan Wang, Qian Li, Compound bioflocculant and polyaluminum chloride in kaolin-humic acid coagulation: Factors influencing coagulation performance and floc characteristics, Bioresource Technology 172 (2014) 8-15. 
33. Shenglei Sun, Zhonglian Yang, Xin Huang, Fan Bu, Defang Ma, Hongyu Dong, Baoyu Gao ⁎, Qinyan Yue ⁎,Yan Wang, Qian Li,Coagulation performance and membrane fouling of polyferric chloride/epichlorohydrin–dimethylamine in coagulation/ultrafiltration combined process,Desalination 357 (2015) 163–170 
34. Xing Xu, Baoyu Gao*, Xin Huang, Jianya Ling*, Wen Song, Qinyan Yue,Physicochemical characteristics of epichlorohydrin, pyridine and trimethylamine functionalized cotton stalk and its adsorption/desorption properties for perchlorate,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,440 (2015) 219–228. 
35. Wen Song, Baoyu Gao*, Tengge Zhang, Xing Xu, Xin Huang, Huan Yu, Qinyan Yue,High-capacity adsorption of dissolved hexavalent chromium using amine-functionalized magnetic corn stalk composites,Bioresource Technology,190 (2015) 550-557. 
36. Shenglei Sun, Fan Bu, Xin Huang, Shuang Zhao, Hongyu Dong, Baoyu Gao*, Qinyan Yue*, Lijuan Feng,Yan Wang, Qian Li, Effects of epichlorohydrin–dimethylamine on coagulation and membrane performance of ferric chloride in coagulation–ultrafiltration hybrid process, Chemical Engineering Journal 280 (2015) 634–642. 
37. Xue Shen a, Baoyu Gao a, *, Xin Huang a, Fan Bu a, Qinyan Yue a, Ruihua Li a, Bo Jin b,Effect of the dosage ratio and the viscosity of PAC/PDMDAAC on coagulation performance and membrane fouling in a hybrid coagulation-ultrafiltration process,Chemosphere 173 (2017) 288e298 
38. Haotian Hao1, Yili Wang1,⁎, Baoyou Shi2,3, Kun Han2,4, Yuan Zhuang2,Yan Kong2,4, Xin Huang2,Strong enhancement of methylene blue removal from binary wastewater by in-situ ferrite process,Journal of Environmental Sciences 73(2018) 107-116. 
39. 吕强,魏群山,*,黄鑫,杨凯,武洋,唐立朋,贾泽宇 ,于建伟,石宝友,应对南方某水厂土霉嗅味的活性炭技术,环境工程学报,12 (2018) 3034-3042 
40. 石健*,万杨 ,黄鑫,石宝友,耿建刚,华平, 聚合铁钛混凝剂对印染废水的处理, 环境工程学报,13 (2019) 1021-1029
41. Haotian Hao, Yili Wang⁎, Baoyou Shi, Kun Han, Yuan Zhuang,Yan Kong, Xin Huang,Strong enhancement of methylene blue removal from binary wastewater by in-situ ferrite process,Journal of Environmental Sciences 73(2018) 107-116. 


高宝玉,黄鑫,岳钦艳,王燕, 李倩,聚合硅酸聚合硫酸钛无机高分子复合絮凝剂及其制备方法与应用,授权专利号:ZL 201310274432.7,中国 ,已授权。

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